Distance/Hybrid Learning
Following the guidelines of San Francisco's Department of Public Health, St. Gabriel School remains closed, with no definitive reopen date. However, a detailed Reopening Plan has been put together for when campus does reopen and teaching shifts from distance learning to in person hybrid attendance. Families choose whether they would like their child to participate in-person, or continue full distance learning.
Distance Learning
Full distance learning began on August 19, 2020 and currently remains the only teaching model at this time. Teachers are giving their best to create a virtual classroom environment that is as close to “normal” as possible. All core classes meet daily as well as weekly co-curriculars including PE, art, and music. Distance learning tech tips are constantly being rolled out by our tech department for faculty, students and parents. Additional resources include school counselor support and resource program support to address mental, academic and emotional health. Establishing social pods is currently a top priority for our Parent Board so that students have social opportunities online, as well as in person.
Mrs. Gallardo is amazing at engaging and connecting with children even over the computer. She’s great at navigating all the new platforms and anticipating what parents and students will need extra help with. Our daughter is also really excited to have art and science lab! --SG 1st grade parent
Hybrid Learning
For Hybrid Attendance, the at-home cohort will be expected to be online for live teaching times. They will have a live streamed view of the whiteboard and the teacher while he/she is instructing. When teachers are not providing direct instruction, this cohort can be offline. The school day schedule is still being determined, keeping in mind to incorporate timing and breaks to avoid eye strain and the distractibility of students learning from home. Schedule of the school day and organization of cohorts was distributed in early August. There will also be the option for students to choose to participate in full distance learning in the fall, if that is the best option for your family.
As with any type of attendance in-school, all safety precautions will be taken. All Faculty and Staff will verify their own health screening to Administration before entering the school campus. Parents of students in physical attendance will have to take temperatures at home and complete a Google form verifying the health screening of the child before dropping them off at school. All students and staff, in physical attendance, will wear a mask, and wash and/or sanitize their hands entering the buildings, after recesses, lunches and before exiting the buildings. Cleaning and sanitizing will occur throughout the day and after school concludes each day. Cohorts of students physically attending school will be together for the entire school day and TK through 4th grade homeroom teachers will teach all subjects. Grades 5th through 8th cohorts will stay together the entire day in their homerooms and teachers will rotate from classroom to classroom. Co-curriculars will be taught online or those teachers will rotate into classrooms, as applicable. There will also be staggered times for arrival, recess, lunch, and dismissal.
Click here for the St. Gabriel Reopening plan PDF.
*Note anything is subject to change at any time.