SG Excellence Fund
St. Gabriel School has been providing excellent Catholic elementary education for 75 years. Students grow through a wide range of learning opportunities in a challenging and supportive atmosphere of a Christian community. In addition to our strong core academic program, St. Gabriel offers specialized instruction in computer, science, music, art and physical education at all grade levels. The education students receive at St. Gabriel builds their foundation to be successful in high school and beyond.
Giving to the St. Gabriel School Excellence Fund supports our core curriculum enhancements and helps to sustain our thriving enrichment programs including visual and dramatic arts, Spanish language classes, technology integration and so much more! Contributions to St. Gabriel also helps families who wish to give their children the gift of a Catholic education. The Excellence Fund serves to close the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost to educate each child. Your gift is an investment in EXCELLENCE.
Click here to give now to support Excellence at St. Gabriel!
As faithful stewards of our school, all St. Gabriel families are asked to contribute to the Excellence Fund. Consider giving ONE meaningful investment of your time, talent and treasure toward advancing our legacy of excellence in Catholic education.
Pledges may be one-time gifts or set up as recurring gifts. Consider giving:
ONE dollar for every school day ($180)
ONE month of tuition (approx. $910)
ONE anniversary gift to celebrate the year we opened ($1,948)
ONE truly generous gift to underwrite one year of tuition (approx. $9,100).
Whatever the amount you decide to give, your gift is cherished and deeply appreciated!
To give your tax-deductible gift to the St. Gabriel School Excellence Fund, please click here.
mail your pledge card or check payable to St. Gabriel School Excellence Fund to:
St. Gabriel School
2550 41st Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94116
Or simply drop off your pledge card at our Front Office.
For more information about our giving program, including memorial giving, the endowment fund, the annual fund, securities and deferred giving, please contact St. Gabriel’s Development Office at 415-566-0314 or by email.
Corporate Matching Gifts: Your gift may be increased through your employer. Check to see if your company has a matching gift program. Your employer's Human Resources Department will provide you with forms and/or instructions on how to submit for a matching gift. St. Gabriel School is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Please contact the St. Gabriel Development Department for more information.