At St. Gabriel, teachers integrate technology into the classroom and throughout their curriculum. We are committed to maintaining the technological infrastructure to allow our faculty to be innovative with lesson plans and responsive to classroom learning needs.
Classroom technology components include:
- Dedicated iPads
- DLP projectors
- Document Cameras
- AirPlay-enabled laptops
- Kindergarten iMac Lab
St. Gabriel has a fully-equipped iMac technology lab overseen by our technology staff. All grade levels have weekly tech literacy classes led by dedicated technology teachers and supported by a full-time technology aide. Open lab times are also available for activities led by classroom teachers.
Highlights of weekly tech literacy class:
- Google Apps for Education
- 3D design/printing
- Microsoft Office
- Multimedia applications
- Keyboarding
- Computer/online etiquette
- Internet research
- Cyber safety
Students regularly use sites such as Mathletics, Reading A-Z, BrainPop, and Discovery Science to augment learning.
St. Gabriel School’s technology staff reviews high school technology expectations and explores new technologies, such as, programming mobile apps, to insure our program prepares our students to be successful in the next steps of their education and beyond!
- 3D Printer
- Laser Cutter
Below are what the 7th graders have been working on for our Maker Unit from stickers to 3D Bookmarks to Standup Lasercut Animals/Objects.