St. Gabriel School’s Learning Support Program provides onsite specialized instruction for students with an identified need, study skills classes for students, parent support and education, and needed materials for instruction.
Students, according to their individual assessment recommendations, may receive onsite help through the program. Assistance can include individual tutoring, small group instruction, assistance within the classroom by a resource teacher or learning specialist, a modified classroom program to meet his/her needs, and/or services from the school counselor. Offsite tutoring and/or diagnostic testing outside the program may be recommended.
The Learning Support Coordinator conducts regular support group sessions for parents with children in the program and also works with parents on an individual basis. Teachers receive notification of in-service training on in-classroom techniques for working with students with learning differences from the Learning Support Coordinator, learning specialist and outside consultants.
St. Gabriel School provides the on-site services related to the Learning Support Program at no additional cost to families.