Grades 4 - 6
In the intermediate grades, students begin to give special attention to reasoning, logical thinking, writing, and research skills to help them become more independent learners. Projects are assigned with multiple components such as a written report, illustrations, and models. These projects are designed to stimulate creativity and allow students to improve writing and organizational skills.
Specialized instructors lead in science, computer, music and P.E. classes. Students visit our library weekly to access resources for projects and more.
The Christian traditions of social awareness and personal responsibility receive special emphasis in the middle grades. Volunteer and service opportunities are offered to students such as, student council, choral group, and altar service.
Scroll below to learn more about curriculum within each grade
Fourth grade is my favorite age to teach! It is a year of so much growth and discovery, and the students have such a zest for learning. I love to encourage my students to be motivated, life-long learners who care for and respect themselves and those around them. - Ms. Scolari
English Language Arts
- Identifying parts of speech
- Writing narrative, expository and persuasive essays
- Writing with correct mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
- Identifying and writing simple and compound sentences
We focus on a number of comprehension skills:
- Compare and contrast
- Cause and effect
- Visualization
- Sequencing and plot
- Using context clues
- Fact vs. opinion
- Following multi-step directions
- Identifying different forms of literature
- Reading for comprehension
- Compare and contrast
- Inferencing
Includes life science, earth science and physical science
- Interactions on Living Things
- The Changing Earth
- Matter and Electricity
- Place Value
- Addition and subtraction up to four digits
- Multiplication and Division
- Patterns and Sequences
- Fractions and Decimals
- Customary Measurement
- Metric Measurement
- Area and Perimeter
- Geometry
Social Studies/History
Our California studies will take us from “The Land and Early People” up through “California Today”. Included in our Social Studies content are the following strands:
- History
- Geography
- Economics
- Culture
- Ethnic and Belief Systems
- Social and Political Systems
California History including: California History
- California mission origins and history
- California statehood process
- Gold Rush
We study how we can best learn about and practice our faith in each of these units:
- We Believe
- We Worship
- We Live
- We Pray
Special Trips
- Mission Dolores
- Coloma Outdoor Discovery School - Gold Rush Overnight field trip
English Language Arts
Grammar begins with the parts of speech and culminates with a focus on sentence structure, punctuation, and diagramming.
Social Science
We will explore the beginnings of our nation with the study of the first Americans, explorers, the colonies, the American Revolution, and the Constitution. We prepare for our overnight Angel Island field trip, which features the Living History program’s portrayals of Civil War, with a unit on the Civil War. We will learn our 50 states and capitals, and explore the diversity of our great nation.
In fifth grade students begin by exploring place value from thousandths through millions. Throughout the year students will apply their understanding of the basic operations in order to solve more complex problems. They will be able to fluently add, multiply, subtract and divide multi-digit whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.
The key learning outcomes are:
- Read, write, and compare whole numbers through the millions
- Use various models to multiply and divide whole numbers, fractions and decimals (area model, partial products/quotients, standard algorithm, etc.)
- Explore patterns in prime factorization
- Use mathematical properties to solve problems
- Determine when to use estimation or precision to solve a problem
- Multiply and divide greater numbers
- Recognize and apply inverse operations
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
- Add and subtract like and unlike fractions
- Multiply and divide fractions
- Find greatest common factors and least common multiples
- Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions
- Explore numerical patterns and relationships
- Convert customary units of measurement
- Classify polygons
- Determine angles and sides of polygons
- Find the volume of three-dimensional figures (basic and composite)
Stars and the Solar System, Earth's Systems, Structure and Properties of Matter
I have always believed that my students are reflections of Christ and that my life journey includes walking with them in the development of their academic and spiritual growth. I teach my students about adopting a growth mindset and reflecting on their SMART goals as they learn to prepare for the rigors of middle school. I find great fulfillment in nurturing their critical thinking skills to create “the change they wish to see in the world” and courageously follow His teachings, guided by love, compassion and justice.
Ms. Yasmine Kury
5th & 6th grade Science & 5th grade Homeroom teacher
Religion and Family Life curriculum, and Stations of the Cross Prayer Service for School and Church Community on Good Friday
Special Activities
- St. Mary's Cathedral tour
- Angel Island Living History Program Overnight
- Stations of the Cross Dramatization & Prayer Service
Language Arts ( ELA)
Students read from a variety of genres and practice reading aloud, reading in literature circles, reader's theater and reading independently. Students tackle difficult texts and read from a variety of voices and viewpoints. In addition, students use resources to increase vocabulary and gain deeper understanding by using context clues. While reading, students work on building their "close reading" skills and learn to annotate and interact with the novel.
In sixth grade students explore the number system, ratios and proportional relationships, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics and probability.
The key learning outcomes are:
- Review whole number operations, prime factorization, GCF and LCM
- Multiply and divide fractions and decimals using the standard algorithm
- Compare and order integers, fractions and decimals on the number line
- Find the absolute value of a number
- Perform fraction and decimal operations
- Understand rational numbers
- Write, interpret and use expressions, equations and inequalities
- Solve problems involving area, surface area and volume
- Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning
- Relate percents to fractions and decimals
- Summarize and describe distributions
- Understand variability
- Identify and apply data displays to represent mathematical data
- Science Fair
- Human body systems
- Earth's Systems
- Weather and Climate
- Energy
- Human Impact and Environment
Social Science
The 6th Grade will be studying Ancient Civilizations: Maya, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome. Students will be studying geography (countries by continent), people, and crucial events that led to the formation and fall of some of the world’s greatest civilizations. Students will complete a Current Event report with teacher guidance (and parent partnership) as they learn how to be an informed citizen by way of media literacy skills.
6th graders will continue exploring concepts learned in previous grades, including The Gift of Faith, understanding the Word of God, and ways to serve others and our community. Students learn to celebrate the Liturgy and develop a deeper understanding of the Sacraments.
Special Activities
Science Fair- Students place and advance on to the Randall Science Fair and the Golden Gate Stem Fair.