Junior High
Grades 7 - 8
In junior high, preparation for high school becomes a focus. In addition to specialized instruction in science, computer, music and P.E., junior high students change classrooms in core courses and work with five different subject teachers. Learning in every subject continues to emphasize reasoning and logical thinking as well as critical writing and research skills needed for success in high school.
Opportunities increase for students to develop leadership skills, broaden social awareness, and give service to the school, parish, and civic communities. Through a variety of in-class/extra-curricular activities, such as, student council, academic competitions, dramatic productions, and speech opportunities, students are able to develop leadership skills and grow in responsibility and self-confidence.
Scroll below to learn more about curriculum within each grade.
My philosophy is, "Let's work together. You can do it!" - Ms. Mara Hill, 7th grade homeroom and Junior High Math teacher
Seventh grade Math students continue to master basic mathematical principles including pre-algebra, decimals and percents, angles, area and circumference, probability. Focus is on applying mathematical understanding to real world problem solving.
7th grade curriculum focuses on the sacraments. We also write monthly letters to our prayer partners who are elderly homebound parishioners.
English Language Arts (ELA)
Junior High English students will be enthusiastically learning to:
- Follow the writing process focusing on consistent tense, subject-verb agreement, and correct punctuation
- Develop an increased level of competency in sentence crafting
- Deliver a speech with an informative or persuasive purpose
- Learn vocabulary and grammar through context and application
The 7th Grade Science curriculum meets Next Generation Science Standards, with strong focus on STEM projects, Makerspace (engineering design) practices and activities.
Units of Study include:
- Energy
- Forces
- Collisions
- Non-contact Forces,(electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism)
- Evolution and Biotechnology
- Technology and Human Impact on Earth Systems
Students complete oral and written tests, projects, reports, lab experiments, long-range assignments and a dissection.
Social Studies
Junior High Social Studies consists of the Medieval Age to the Renaissance (Grade 7) and American history. In addition, there are units on the Constitution and economics (including the stock market). Study skills are included in every class. Current events issues are related to historical events.
We begin 7th grade Social Studies with a quick review of the ancient world and the ways in which archaeologists and historians uncovered the past. The course begins to explore the history and geography of great civilizations that were developing concurrently throughout the world during medieval and early modern times. Specific areas of study include Africa, China, Japan, and Civilizations of the Americas. Students will examine the economic interaction among civilizations as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, technologies, and commodities.
Attention is also given to current events as they affect the present-day, national, and world affairs. Throughout the curriculum, students are challenged to expand their learning skills with enrichment materials and research activities. Appropriate activities are selected that will enable each student to have a fulfilling and successful school experience.
Students continue to strive to be loving, faith-filled individuals who:
- Study the sacraments, the liturgical season, and ethical problems
- Prepare and carry out prayer services for the school community
- Discuss family life issues
- Read and discuss Scripture passages in the Old and New Testament
- Give service to the community
Special Activities
- 7th Grade reads and then acts out "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens, for the 3rd grade classes. Later the entire Junior High goes to A.C.T.'s production of the play.
- The San Francisco Opera comes to perform each year in the gym for the Junior High. They incorporate some of our students. It is a wonderful experience!
- Junior High Career/ Mini-Course Day. Past topics have included American Sign Language, law, engineering, startups, technology, neuroscience, fetal pig dissection, journalism, and much more!
- The Junior High teachers produce two "quiz bowls" during the year. Students participate in a "Presidents’ Day Bowl" and an "Earth Day Quiz Bowl". It is a fun and educational experience for the students.
- In 7th grade we make masks when the 8th grade is at Caritas Camp. It is a favorite activity of the 7th grade.
- Attend High School drama productions.
- Junior High participates in many writing contests such as the YMI Essay Contest and the National Library's Poetry Contest.
- Grandparents Day: 7th graders help prepare for our annual Grandparents Day event and host a very special prayer service to honor all of the over 200 grandparents who attend!
English Language Arts (ELA)
Students will master elements and devices of literature, explore and research various topics, and practice a variety of writing styles. The textbook will be used in addition to a variety of written pieces. The students will be expected to increase comprehension skills and efficiency at gaining information from a number of sources, to read self-selected literature on a daily basis, and to apply their knowledge of grammar and writing skills to their written work. Group novel study as well as whole class novels will be used to enhance the students' skills.
8th grade algebra 1 class
Social Studies
Junior high social studies consists of the Medieval Age to the Renaissance (Grade 7) and American history. In addition, there are units on the Constitution and economics (including the stock market). Study skills are included in every class. Current events issues are related to historical events.
The emphasis for 8th grade social studies is the study of American history from the Exploration and Colonization period to the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events which influenced the development of the United States and the resulting impact on world history.
Skills for thinking, inquiry, and participation in a democratic society are included. Throughout the eighth grade program, students are challenged to expand their learning skills with enrichment materials and research activities. Attention is also given to current events as they affect the present-day, national, and world affairs. Appropriate activities are selected that will enable each student to have a fulfilling and successful school experience.
The 8th grade science curriculum meets the Next Generation Science Standards with focus on STEM projects, Makerspace (engineering design) practices and activities.
Areas of study include:
- Science and Engineering
- Earth’s Resources and Ecosystems
- Earth’s Surface and Society
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
- Biology- The Human Body
Students complete oral and written tests, projects, and reports, lab experiments, a term paper (research on a disease) and several dissections.
The 8th grade religion curriculum consists of morality with the emphasis on the Ten Commandments. Students are challenged to discuss such issues as peer pressure, drugs and alcohol and decision making in the context of Gospel values. Students also attend a five day retreat in September to set the tone for the year regarding relationships, values, etc.
Special Activities
- One week at Caritas Creek CYO Camp in Occidental
- San Francisco Zoo
- California Academy of Sciences
- Pine Lake Restoration
- Special graduation events