Saint Gabriel Alumni
Our St. Gabriel School Alumni Association includes over 3,500 Alums who remain in contact with us, attend community and alumni-specific events, remain active members of our parish and give generously to initiatives that help our school thrive! Our Alumni Board helps with activities to increase alumni visibility to the students and parents in support of the school. The Alumni Annual Fund Advisory Committee shares ideas and discusses ways in which St. Gabriel might better reach our alumni for the purpose of annual giving.
Alumni also:
- Enjoy class reunions
- Volunteer at St. Gabriel
- Share careers and interests with our students
- Contribute to the Alumni Annual Fund which assisted with the building of the Science Discovery Center, replacing school windows, our library entrance renovation, replacing student desks, outfitting classrooms with interactive LCD projectors with document cameras, and the replacement of perimeter fencing including the addition of security gates
- Our Alumni Association organizes many events including a Golden Diploma 50th Anniversary Celebration, a Catholic Schools Week lunch for all students, and a dinner for SG alumni graduating from high school
Want to reconnect with your former classmates and stay in touch with St. Gabriel news and events? Send your updated contact information by completing the form below or email with any news or information you'd like to share.
Go Knights!
The following classes are celebrating milestone reunion years this school year. Contact the Alumni Office for reunion support at alumni@stgabrielsf.com.
- Class of 1964 - 60 years
- Class of 1969 - 55 years
- Class of 1974 - 50 years - Golden Diploma Reunion on October 19, 2024. See below and contact Alumni Office for details.
- Class of 1979 - 45 years
- Class of 1984 - 40 years
- Class of 1989 - 35 years
- Class of 1994 - 30 years
- Class of 1999 - 25 years
- Class of 2004 - 20 years
- Class of 2009 - 15 years
- Class of 2014 - 10 years
- Class of 2019 - 5 years
- Class of 2020 - 4 years - Graduation Reunion Party on April 21, 2024. Contact Alumni Office for details.
The Class of 1974 is celebrating their 50th Golden Diploma Reunion
on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at The Atwater San Francisco
from 5-9pm
Contact alumni@stgabrielsf.com to be put in touch with reunion coordinators.
Please RSVP on the Reunion Facebook page: "St. Gabriels Class of 1974 50 year reunion"
The Class of 1967 is having a reunion luncheon in May 2024 in San Francisco. Contact the Alumni Office to be put in touch with the reunion coordinator.
Sign up to become a Class Coordinator!